Monday, September 21, 2009

Occupation colonization of Afghanistan doesn't go well. U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan, or `war will likely fail`

US has 62 000 soldiers in Af, Nato allies 35 000.
Pentagon plans to add 6 000 by the end 09, but US Army wants thousands more.

Failure to gain initiative, reverse resistance fighters momentum in next 1 year may mean it may no longer be possible.

Is Iraq, and Afghanistan, another Vietnam?..

In Vietnam War, started with false flag attack operation of Gulf of Tonkin, 66 000 American soldiers died, 600 000 Vietnamese, and 3.5 million altogether, civilians included. Chemical weapons were used, 77 million liters of Agent Orange.

In Iraq occupation, pretexted with 9/11 WTC controlled demolition attacks, so far 4100 US soldiers died, 1-3 mill civilians, country devastated in complete ruins.

U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan -

U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan -

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