Thursday, March 19, 2009

2 Russian planes again fly over U.S. Navy ships above Sea of Japan. Hry velmoci.

The Russian aircraft IL-38 flew about 500 feet over the ship Stennis, lower than other flights the Russians have made over U.S. ships in the past year.

Then, US ships Blue Ridge and Stennis were overflown by 2 russian strategic Bear bombers, at 2000 feet.

In both cases, U.S. Navy F/A-18 fighters met up with the Russian aircraft about 70 nautical miles from the U.S. ships and flew alongside them until they left the area.

Russian long-range flights at U.S. or other nations' boundaries have been common over the last year 2008.

Pentagon does not often talk about the overflights, there is nothing illegal about them, they are generally seen by the USA as just muscle-flexing by the Russian military.

Prelet 2 ruskych hlidkovych letadel Iljusin IL-38 nad americkou letadlovou lodi Stennis v nezvykle nizke vysce pouhych 500 stop, tedy 160 metru! Nize nez pri preletech loni.

Pri druhem incidentu, 2 strategicke ruske bombardery preletely nekolikrat nad americkymi lodemi Blue Ridge a Stennis, ve vysce 2000 stop, tedy 660 m.

V obou pripadech ruske letadla doprovazely po 70 mil americke stihacky. Pokus o radiovy rozhovor s ruskymi letadly bez odezvy.

Podobny incident naposledy s lodi Nimitz, 2000 stop.

Ruska letadla take v poslednim roce 2008 letaji blizko americkych hranic ci hranic jinych statu.

Americane o preletech zridka mluvi, nejsou nelegalni, a povazuji se za predvadeni sily.

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