Monday, August 31, 2009

Mobile towers posing a threat to honey bees in Kerala withe electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers and cell phones having the potential to kill.

In one of his experiments he found that when a mobile phone was kept near a beehive it resulted in collapse of the colony in five to 10 days, with the worker bees failing to return home, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs and hive-bound immature bees"

Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report. Great underestimation of brain tumor risks.

- There is a risk of brain tumors from cellphone use;
- Telecom funded studies underestimate the risk of brain tumors, and;
- Children have larger risks than adults for brain tumors.

This report, sent to government leaders and media today, details eleven design flaws of the 13-country, Telecom-funded Interphone study

The Interphone study, begun in 1999, was intended to determine the risks of brain tumors, but its full publication has been held up for years.

Components of this study published to date reveal what the authors call a 'systemic-skew', greatly underestimating brain tumor risk.

The cardinal design flaws include
--categorizing subjects who used portable phones (which emit the same microwave radiation as cellphones,) as 'unexposed';
--exclusion of many types of brain tumors;
--exclusion of people who had died, or were too ill to be interviewed, as a consequence of their brain tumor;
--and exclusion of children and young adults, who are more vulnerable.

Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report By International EMF Collaborative

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

We need a contemporary insurrection to reclaim our democracy, our freedom and our country.

We must challenge corporations and take back what is rightfully ours.

The second American Revolution. Let’s declare our independence from corporate rule!

Decades of deregulation and laissez-faire capitalist ideology have allowed corporations to steer the world's political, economic, environmental and cultural agendas.

A corporation is not a person.

It’s an organizational structure that has no morality and feels no remorse.

Yet the modern corporation enjoys the same rights as you or I: free speech, the ability to own property, the right to lobby government officials and protection against self-incrimination

Citizen or Consumer? | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stop Toxin-Laden Wastewater Dump in Our Streams! -

In 2002, Bush administration issued a rulemaking that effectively removed Clean Water Act protection, permitting mining companies to fill our nation's waterways with the toxin-laden waste material.

Congress enacted the Clean Water Act in 1972, which allowed the filling of waterways for constructive purposes, such as dams or levees. But protected waterways from being used as waste disposal sites.

On June 22, 2009, the Supreme Court ruled that the Clean Water Act permits a mining company to pump hundreds of thousands of gallons per day of toxic wastewater slurry into an Alaskan lake, killing its fish and aquatic life.

The passage of Clean Water Protection Act, H.R. 1310 will ensure lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands are not destroyed by industrial waste dumping by passing. We must ensure that we won't have another catastrophe like the one occurring right now in Alaska.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Russia sees U.S. space threat, builds new rocket. US will be able to hit any target in Russia from space by 2030, commander of Russia's air force said

Russian Pres Medvedev has said a ban on deploying weapons in space was a condition for further arms cuts as were mutual limitations on the creation of ground-based anti-missile systems.

Medvedev is trying to persuade Obama to give up plans for a ground-based anti-missile system with components deployed in Europe, a project viewed by Moscow as a direct threat.

Russia Air Force Commander Zelin said that by 2020 Russia would create its own new air and space defense.

Zelin said Moscow was now developing a fifth-generation, surface-to-air rocket, the S-500. "It is able to implement in full the tasks of air and space defense and is capable of engaging ballistic hypersonic targets flying at a speed of 5 km (3 miles) per second," Zelin said.

Russia sees U.S. space threat, builds new rocket

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